June Strickler

HI! Thank you for visiting my website. Whatever brought you here today, my sincere hope is that—above all—you know you are wonderfully loved by the God who created you!

I am a writer and speaker for Encouragement That Lasts, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry, and author of the book Breathtaking Hope in the Furnace of Infertility. With decades of witnessing spiritual victories arising from ashes, I thrill in proclaiming God’s truths and how His flagrant grace and intimacy is available to anyone.

My foreground is glorious and assured (based John 3:16 and Revelation 21); my background—while interesting—can’t compare. Nonetheless, my experience in the legal field, county administration, local and global church ministries, infertility and miscarriage, crisis intervention, and the home provide a basis for a refreshing diversity (and grip on reality). I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Brad, am part foodie, and no stranger to running power tools. Most importantly, I gave my heart to Jesus Christ as a child and He has never let go of loving me.

You’re in the right place to contact me, place book orders, inquire about speaking engagements, and link to my nonprofit, Encouragement That Lasts, where you’ll find helpful, down to earth blogs and resources providing men, women, and adult youths with biblical truths which nourish the soul and promote intimacy with Jesus Christ. It’s pretty exciting!

People Lover.
Forgiven Much & Wild About God.


Breathtaking Hope in the Furnace of Infertility beautifully grieves in the trenches with the woman longing for a baby, provides exceptional help in areas often overlooked, and ushers her into a life of breathless wonder of God’s stunning, sacrificial love and care for her. It is also being used as a resource for those seeking to better understand and serve women who find themselves childless against their will.
The small “author profit” derived from book sales goes directly into Encouragement That Lasts, a 501(c)(3) ministry which has no paid or compensated staff.
Available in paperback or e-book in the US, as well as through on-line retailers in Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Australia, and New Zealand.
To inquire about wholesale, volume or ministry discount pricing, contact me.

 Where the Action Is—Encouragement That Lasts

This is the nonprofit ministry I have the pleasure of running with a very capable team. It offers men, women, and adult youths biblical truths which nourish the soul and promote intimacy with Jesus Christ. Visit our website at www.encouragementthatlasts.org. It’s where the action is!

ETL turns out blogs that are sometimes a bit on the “edgy” side—in a good way. Questions in the Storm is an example of what you can expect every other week when you sign up to receive our blogs.

Encouragement That Lasts is on Facebook and, of course, “Liking” us there also helps to connect you. However, the surest way to receive ETL’s blogs and releases is to sign up for direct delivery to your e-mail account.

ETL is helping!  In a world of heartache, uncertainty, and temporary fixes, Encouragement That Lasts is standing in the gap offering biblical truths which no circumstance, failure, or power can undo.  It’s team understands that reliable encouragement must provide a foundation of spiritual truth and refreshment while simultaneously stretching and equipping us for an entire lifetime. So if you’re wondering whether ETL is nothing but sweetness and fluff, it isn’t. Good news, right?!

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God &
The Power
of His Word


If you’d like your event energized by an author and engaging speaker who has survived lukewarm Christianity, become wild about God and the power of His Word, and transmits life-changing truths with passion and an obvious love for her audience…